



无论你处于护理生涯的哪个阶段, 深圳大学招收新学生 unique MSN 和 DNP educational pathways for you to advance towards becoming an adult gerontology acute care nurse practitioner.



认证CCNE认证,1 获高等教育委员会认可
选项持有ADN/ASN, BSN或MSN学位的护士的选择
支付学费奖学金 和 financial aid available for those who qualify; transfer credit from prior college coursework to reduce cost 和 time
临床软件下载保证 你的 临床实习
快速通道转移信用, 可叠起堆放的凭证, 和 adaptive learning technology build a faster pathway to a higher education with Herzing大学
豁免报名费 9月4日开课

Get in touch to learn more about our school 和 how we can help you reach 你的 highest career goals.


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U.S. 新闻2024最佳在线课程毕业护理

排名 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 被评为2024年最好的在线护理研究生课程之一



We underst和 securing 临床实习 as part of an AGACNP program is one of the biggest concerns students face. Herzing在, we offer guidance 和 support through our step-by-step Clinical Guidance Process to ensure you can get the clinical practice experiences you need.

作为赫哲的学生, we’ll encourage you to find 你的 own preceptor 和 clinical sites as there are many benefits to doing so. 但是,如果您在此过程中遇到困难,软件下载将提供广泛的支持. 和Herzing在一起,你就是 从来没有 独自一人.

由于软件下载与美国各地的医疗保健提供者建立了牢固的关系.S. 以及软件下载全面的临床指导流程, 软件下载有信心帮助您找到临床实习. 以至于如果你自己找不到临床站点, 软件下载保证介入并帮助你获得临床实习.*



你可能有资格参加 浙江大学护士成就圈奖学金.

Eligibility requirements include a minimum GPA earned in 你的 undergraduate nursing program, 在整个MSN幸运28计划中保持最低GPA.



学费 & 成本

学费 & 成本

软件下载的目标是 你的职业发展. That’s why we are always working to improve our 课程s 和 processes to make our nurse practitioner programs as affordable as possible while preparing you best for success in 你的 work.

总成本可以通过从之前的大学课程中转移学分来降低, 奖学金及助学金贷款退伍军人和军人福利,以及其他一些 经济援助的选择.

与深圳大学合作, 你从不孤单, 软件下载提供很多选择来帮助你投资自己, 获得护理硕士学位,成为AGACNP.

  • 成功之路

    软件下载的许多在线课程都提供继续学习的途径, 让你从一个角度移动, 比如副学士学位, 获得学士学位, 攻读硕士学位.

  • 灵活方便

    在舒适的家中获得学位. 没有规定你必须上网的时间. 你可以在方便的时候登录到你的虚拟教室.

  • 个性化的关注

    在赫兹,上网并不意味着孤独.You’ll receive the same personalized attention 和 career-focused education that we offer in our traditional classroom.

  • 网上和/或校内

    两全其美. Some of our degree programs are offered exclusively online 和 some programs are offered as a combination of both campus 和 online classes.

我没有护理学位. 我从哪里开始呢??

如果你已经获得了非护理学士学位, there are two potential educational pathways in nursing we’ve designed with you in mind:

  • 加速BSN (ABSN)计划. 软件下载的校外ABSN幸运28计划, 可在赫京部分校区购买, allows you to earn a 护理学理学士 in as few as 20 months (most students complete in 24 months).
  • MSN直接进入程序. Start working towards a 理学硕士 in 护理 (MSN) right from the start in our online direct entry MSN program. 你可以在短短20个月内毕业.

If you have not yet earned an undergraduate degree in any major, you will need to first earn an 护理学副学士 or BSN.

一旦你获得了本科护理学位, 你就有资格注册MSN, 邮政硕士证书, 或BSN到DNP程序与AGACNP专业化.


常见 问题

急症护理和初级保健是非常不同的学科. 作为急症护理NP, 你将在重症监护室工作, 急诊室(ER), 急诊或其他门诊环境, which dem和s a very different set of skills 和 knowledge than a primary care NP in clinics or other inpatient facilities.

Providing preventive care 和 taking a long-term approach to patient health is another discipline requiring unique training 和 certification.

Herzing的 硕士成人老年学初级保健护士执业计划 是为MSN用户设计的, 包括当前的AGACNPs, 谁有兴趣将来从事初级保健AGNP的工作.

There are two primary differences between a Family Nurse Practitioner 和 an 成人老年急症护理执业护士:

  1. 患者类型. FNPs work with patients across the patient lifespan, including children under the age of 13. 作为成人老年学NPs, AGACNPs只照顾13岁及以上的成年人.
  2. 护理的类型. fnp通常在诊所工作, 医生的办公室, 和 other outpatient settings—和 are not formally trained in acute 和 emergency care. 急症护理护士在icu工作, hospitals 和 other inpatient settings to care for patients with trauma 和 more severe health issues.

如果你对和病人建立长期关系更感兴趣的话, 更关心预防性健康, 我喜欢和孩子们一起工作, FNP可能是你最好的护士职业道路.

It can take roughly 3-5 years to go from non-nurse to NP through our program options but it depends on what education you’ve already earned 和 how quickly you want to progress.

这取决于你在哪个州练习. NP学校的资格与NP工作的资格是不一样的. 你可能不需要成为一名注册护士(RN)来获得NP学位课程的资格, but some employers may require a minimum amount of RN experience from NP job applicants.

You can prepare to make the transition from FNP to acute care NP by enrolling a post master’s, 或研究生, certificate program designed for nurses who have already earned a 理学硕士 in 护理 (MSN).

完成邮政硕士课程, 获得认证, 和 you’ll be ready to apply for 你的 first position as an 成人老年急症护理执业护士(AGACNP).

Sometimes hospitals form partnerships with schools like ours to provide employees with unique benefits should they choose to pursue an advanced nursing degree.

Employees of Herzing partners can potentially earn college credit for prior work or military experience, 转让现有信贷, 或者获得奖学金,让重返校园的成本更低.

如果你现在是一名注册护士,正在考虑成为一名执业护士,请查看软件下载教育伙伴关系 或者向你的雇主了解潜在的可能性.

No. 成为执业护士, you will need to earn a 理学硕士 in 护理 (MSN) or 护理实践博士(DNP) degree.


认证 & 披露的信息

1. 护理学硕士学位课程, 护理实践博士(DNP), 和 post-graduate APRN certificate programs at Herzing大学 麦迪逊 are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate 护理 Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org). Herzing大学 is approved to offer programs in an online learning modality through association with the main campus in 麦迪逊, 威斯康辛州.


符合入学条件的州阿拉巴马州:, 阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 特拉华州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, 麻萨诸塞州, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, 密西西比州, 密苏里州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 北卡罗莱纳, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 宾西法尼亚, 罗德岛州, 南卡罗来纳, 南达科塔州, 田纳西州, 德州, 犹他州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 西维吉尼亚州, 威斯康辛州, 以及哥伦比亚特区.


选择 你的 NP通路


深圳大学招收新学生 多个执业护士幸运28计划 持有护理专科、学士或硕士学位的在职护士.

软件下载的目标是帮助你走路 你的 职业道路,不管你在哪里,或者你想去哪里.

探索Herzing NP程序



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