


It's not just about enriching your 心理健康; you also have the power to contribute to fostering a more supportive and compassionate community.

平衡学校的需求和个人生活的复杂性可能是具有挑战性的, taking a toll on both our physical and 心理健康. 应对这些挑战的能力往往被围绕心理健康的污名及其对软件下载日常生活的影响所激怒. 在你的教育过程中,优先考虑自我照顾变得越来越重要,因为它有助于减轻压力, putting you in the right mindset to complete your degree. However, it's not just about enriching your 心理健康; you also have the power to contribute to fostering a more supportive and compassionate community.

The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

在今天这个时代, 越来越多的大学和雇主愿意谈论心理健康的重要性,甚至有免费或附带福利的幸运28计划来支持他们的学生和员工. 然而,对有精神健康问题的人的负面看法是很常见的. 消极词汇, phrases, 所有这些行为都助长了围绕心理健康的污名和心理健康问题患者面临的歧视.

正因为如此, 人们常常为自己无法控制的事情感到羞愧,甚至会阻止他们寻求必要的帮助. As more people avoid treatment, statistics have placed the 终生患病率 精神健康障碍的比例高达50% 1年患病率高达30%.

Additional effects of 心理健康 stigmatization include:

  • Bullying, physical violence, or harassment
  • 在工作、学习或社会活动中机会减少,困难增加
  • 没有充分覆盖心理健康治疗的健康保险.
  • Lack of understanding by family and family
  • Lower self-esteem and social isolation
  • 认为自己永远不会在某些挑战中成功,或者认为自己无法改善自己的处境.


So, how do you fight the stigma and prove the naysayers wrong?

  • 有语言意识: Remind your peers that words have power. 避免使用心理健康状况作为形容词是很容易的,而且如果他们的行为被提及,大多数人都愿意替换有问题的语言.
  • 诚实对待治疗: 不要让被贴上精神疾病标签的恐惧阻止你寻求帮助. 治疗可以减轻干扰日常工作的症状.
  • 不要怀有自我耻辱: 自我耻辱感是指精神疾病患者对自身状况的消极态度和内化羞耻感. 有自我判断的人可能会错误地认为他们的状况是个人弱点的表现. However, 寻求咨询和适当的教育可以帮助你克服消极的想法.
  • 教育别人围绕心理健康的判断总是源于缺乏了解. 当人们了解到有关精神疾病的统计数据以及每天有多少美国人在与症状作斗争时(around 5000万美国人 have experienced some form of mental illness), they are more cognizant of the comments they make.
  • Talk openly about 心理健康: Consider expressing your opinions in a public setting. 开诚布公地面对你的挑战会鼓励那些处于类似情况的人寻求帮助. 你对同事越诚实,影响就越大. 

Always remember that if you are battling with your 心理健康, it doesn’t make you incapable of success. 学会接受你的情况,认识到你需要做些什么来治疗它,同时帮助教育他人, 能在你的社区中鼓励积极的态度,打破任何消极的先入为主的观念吗.


而医疗, nursing, 社会工作专业的学生可能会接受处理心理健康污名的专门培训, 每个学生都需要了解他们在与这个普遍问题作斗争中的作用.

Some 自我照顾技巧 to remember while balancing academic stress include:

  • 优先级 items that are the most important and worry less about the small stuff.
  • Getting and staying organized 
  • 接触 to fellow students for academic and social support
  • 利用资源 like Herzing Wellness counseling

Herzing大学希望所有的学生都能成为自己领域的冠军, practicing and promoting positive 心理健康 practices.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a 心理健康 crisis, call or text 988 to contact the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, 提供全天候服务, free and confidential support for people in distress, 预防, 危机资源.

Learn More About Our Career 幸运28计划


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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